Our Services

We aim to offer a woman-centered, compassionate, high quality service across all areas of the PUH Maternity Department. Portiuncula offers maternity care to a wide catchment area spanning over many counties. A key goal is to empower women attending our services to make informed decisions about the care they receive, in a safe environment.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)

The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) is a dedicated specialist unit that manages issues that can arise for women in early pregnancy, including most commonly vaginal bleeding or pain. The unit runs Monday to Friday and is supported by a midwife, sonographers and the obstetric team.

Referrals are from the emergency Department or your GP.

Phone: 090 96 25128


The Teen Support Programme

This is a service offered to young people from County Galway who are becoming parents and are aged 19 years or under. Support continues until their child reaches the age of 2.

The service is supported by a team which includes a midwife and social worker. You can be referred to the programme when you attend for care when pregnant.

Email: teenmidwifepuh@hse.ie


Breastfeeding Support

We are deeply committed to breastfeeding in Portiuncula and are very proud to have been the first hospital in Ireland to ever receive baby-friendly status. All staff are fully trained to support women and promote and protect breastfeeding.

Antenatal Services

Thank you for booking your maternity care with Portiuncula. When your GP refers you for care you will initially receive an appointment to attend for a dating ultrasound scan. You will then receive an onward appointment for a virtual (video) ‘Attend Anywhere’ clinic where a midwife takes your history. This is then followed by an appointment in the hospital where you are seen by a consultant.

All women are stratified for antenatal care at this point into the Supported Pathway of care (Midwifery-led), assisted or specialised care (Obstetrician-led).

Most women have shared care with their GP. Some women also choose to avail of private care with a named consultant.


Ballinasloe Crisis Pregnancy Support Service

This service, led by the Social Work Department, provides a woman-centered, non-directive, non-judgemental counselling service where all options are discussed.



Women & Children’s Physiotherapy Services

This service is provided by a committed, highly skilled physiotherapy team, in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Referrals are received from your GP and the Obstetric Team.

The Bereavement Support Service

We have a dedicated Bereavement Support Midwife who, along with the whole team, cares for and supports women and families when they lose a baby. Pastoral care are also part of the bereavement support team in Portiuncula.

Phone: 090 96 25174


Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

Babies admitted to the SCBU receive specialised care from the caring and competent team of nurses and neonatal team. Babies born before 32 weeks will be transferred to a tertiary unit for care.


Are you pregnant?

Ask your GP to refer you to Portiuncula University Hospital Maternity Services for your care.

We’re looking forward to looking after you and your baby!

 Portiuncula University Hospital is a Level 3 General Hospital. PUH Maternity Department is a proud member of the Saolta University Healthcare Group Managed Clinical & Academic Network (MCAN) for Women’s & Children’s Services. PUH Maternity Services are integrated with Galway University Hospital Maternity Services.